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Rainy days!!!!

So...where was i?? yeah.....those rainy day one - liners...and then you have the people trickling in...."My!! what a weather!!!" or "the rain water came up to my knees".......the more dramatic ones like "You know what????i fell into a manhole"......"puray engine mein paani ghus gaya tha"......desperate ones ( i mean...the more committed ones) "no taxis coming this way........the one that did charged me double"...bla bla bla............I know there's nothing new in this blog yet....probably happens every time there's a shower.......and probably would happen in all the years that I'll stay alive for maybe........but the thing that actually made me write about this was because it just occurred to me that I'd probably hadn't heard anyone saying anything nice about the weather today......or the other rainy days, for that is a bother to have the rain when you are going out somewhere.....and it is a probably a nuisance to navigate your way through the water logged streets........but then nobody gives a thought to the fact that the temperature outside has actually gone down (thanks to the air conditioned offices!!!)......and if we could just take our eyes off the computer for a while, we'll find it's actually green outside....and yellow....and pink....with all those wild shrubs and flowers that nobody would care to plant consciously( especially those who actually quote GARDENING to be a passion!!).....then there's this other sight which makes me smile....and I guess this happens only in cal.....the sight of people playing football in the rains (esp. the kids and the not - so - old kids)......the rain is actually an invitation for this sport.......and the kids don't give a damn about getting the clothes soiled (daag ache hain!!!).......or getting hurt in the slippery sloshy grounds......or better still....about coming down with that flu or cold...or fever (so much for the worries of most moms!!).......

Anyways.....I guess this blog is losing ts meaning (if it had one in the beginning, that is).....and the same probably applies to me as well......but now and then, these not - so - unusual things, whom we take so much for granted do manage to catch our attention.....even if its for a little while.....and its at times like this that you feel like going to the roof ad gettng wet......or have something hot and piping....and in some cases like mine.........just put it in words!!!!


pooja said…
Hey sweetheart..,so finally I posted a comment. I don�t remember if we have ever talked about are love for rains in all these years but we surely seem to have that in common. The beautifully lush greenery covering the entire city�small puddles you can jump in, splashing water on people (only the non khoonkhar types), taking the stroll early morning or in the night (cooking up errands to run jus so you can get out), riding and feeling the soft drizzle of rain on your face, looking for a rainbow after every shower�these are the purest and priceless fun in life�and of course not forgetting the opportunities rain brings to bring out ones creativity�oh the flooded roads, no buses, oh the dam broke(this is when thr nvr existed one). Blame it on Mr. Varun Dev�.�It wasn�t me�.

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