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Real birthday cards.....where did they go????

Hi!! found this poem in one of the cards.......of old times...just went thrugh the lines...really liked them....and would like to dedicate it to all the people who've been close at some or the other point of time in my life, dont actually remember who it was from...the name's got smudged....but anyhow felt it was too good to be confined to that piece of here goes.....

How is it that you can tell me things
that would make me really angry
coming from anyone else........
Whether its that my new haircut looks like its straight out of a horror movie,
or that someone I like is a champion jerk in real life
When you say them I realise
they are not meant to be mean,
But things that we both know I should hear
And I know I can be just as honest with you
Maybe its that we are close enough
that we can respect each others opinions,
Whether we agree or not
It takes a real good friend
to recognize things we may not see
and point them out in a warm and caring way
I'm glad we can trust each other
to be that kind of a friend!!!!

Somewhere theres someone who dreams of your smile,
And finds in your presence that life is worthwhile
So whenever you are lonely, remember its true;
Someone, Somewhere is thinking of you!!!


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